It seemed like all of Tampa walked together
to hear the words from a great. I sent it to the TBT and they published it a couple of days later)
The meter maids were busy writing tickets
for the overzealous drivers,
too impatient to wait for proper parking spots
The line beamed down the sidewalk
Every type of person comprised the arching line
every color
every age
Illuminated with eagerness and excitement
The first sound I heard of Maya Angelou
was a one-syllable high pitched laugh.
The crowd roars with laughter at her humble humor
The tone was set for the evening.
Emanating from her was an aura of experience
Of generosity
Of success
Her elegant demeanor and obvious intellect was accented
by her bold speech
filling our minds with an everlasting image:
"Be a rainbow in somebody's cloud," she said
After tho tell the world that I saw Maya Angelou
I saw history
I saw devotion
I saw persistence
I saw brilliance
I want to illuminate the world
I want to be a rainbow ine standing ovation,
I walked to my car inspired
Ready tsomebody's cloud
Thank you, Maya Angelou
Now I know why the rainbow shines
By- Katherine Watson
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