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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

English Week!

It's English Week at ULL, and you know what that means!  Bring your students, bring your friends, bring yourselves to this week of amazing events designed to spread awareness of Sigma Tau Delta and its goals in promoting English in our community.  All activities will take place in HLG 315, unless otherwise noted.  


11:00-12:15  Resume and Cover Letter Workshop: An outstanding resume and cover letter can make a job candidate stand out from the crowd.   Learn how to format a resume, learn what to include, and learn what to exclude in order to make a great first impression.  A great presentation for freshman and sophomore students or anyone entering the job market.

12:30-1:45 Southpark and Terrorism: In this session, we will explore how South Park, in its episodes "Cartoon Wars" Parts One and Two, examines and comments on contemporary issues surrounding terrorism and freedom of speech.  Spoofing the Danish Jyllands-Posten newspaper controversy involving the depiction of Muslim prophet Muhammad with a bomb for a turban, these episodes bring up questions about where the line on what can be said is drawn and at what price we can say them.

3:30-4:45  The Poetry of Dr. Seuss:  Dr. Clai Rice and Kristen Bradley team up for a presentation on Dr. Seuss.  Snacks will be provided.  


9:00-9:50 Encore Resume and Cover Letter Workshop

11:00-11:50 ZOMBIES in Film and Literature: This presentation will focus on the presence of the zombie as a cultural icon in literature and film.  The chilling presentation is a sure brain teaser.

12:00-12:50 Thesis Workshop: The most challenging part of the essay is the thesis statement, which will be explored, examined, and exposed in this presentation.  A useful workshop for English students at all levels of education.

1:00-2:15  Powerpoint Demonstration: Powerpoint presentations are an invaluable tool to master but tricky in execution.  How many pictures of bears and sharks riding unicorns do you show?  When is it appropriate to play a Vanilla Ice song?  This presentation will be geared towards narrowing down the tips and tricks to a well-balanced powerpoint presentation, with a specific focus on how to incorporate different types of media into the presentation. *** In Room 318

2:30-3:45  Encore Powerpoint Demonstration  *** In Room 318


12:00-1:00  Potluck Lunch/ Costume Party: Anyone in a literary costume will eat for free.  All others are invited to bring a dish to the event.  Some food will be provided by Sigma Tau Delta, but we welcome contributions!  Vote for the best literary costume!

2:00-3:15  Alternate Histories in Science Fiction:  What is an alternate history?  How does it impact the genre of Science Fiction?  Explore these topics and more in a teaser to May Stone's Fall 2012 ENGL 210 course.

7:00-8:00  TNRS with Josh Gremillion and Erin Holden

Thank you for your support, and we hope to see you throughout this week!  


The Officers
Sigma Tau Delta

"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under the conditions of absolute reality."  The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson

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